Time to pay your dues!

A message from treasurer Frank Howell:

Hello everyone,
For those who don’t know me, my name is Frank and I am the treasurer for the Moody Ques.  For those who have not yet paid, we are now getting close to the main event and need to secure the rest of our dues to begin paying for necessary items and to understand how many wristbands, T-shirts, etc. to purchase.  It is important that if you plan on being a member of the Moody Ques that you go ahead and pay team dues.  Please remember that after the 5th of April, late fees are required.  On April 15th, we will be required to make the decision of how many 3-day passes to purchase.  If you do not pay by the 15th, or contact me to get a good understanding of when you can pay, we will not be able to reserve passes or a T-shirt for you.  After the 15th we will also begin contacting the people who are on the waiting list.  Please feel free to contact me anytime to discuss this.  The most convenient way to pay dues is through the website….moodyques.com.

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