Team bags are ready!

The team bags, containing your T-shirt, Wednesday night ticket, Thursday-Saturday park admission wristband, rubber Moody Ques wristband that identifies you as a team member, and guest wristbands for each day, are ready. I just sent an email to the team. Check your email and you will find Clay’s phone number. Text him to make arrangements to get your bag. Thanks!

Update from Travis on load-in

Here’s the load-in plan for this coming week. Also, please check your email. Travis has given the team his phone number and has asked for each team member to text him.
We are waiting to hear when the scaffolding will be up, this should happen Saturday or Sunday this weekend.
Monday 9th (AM) – unloading and installing carpet at the booth.
Monday 9th (PM) – Help needed at Holliday’s loading the truck after 1PM
Tuesday (10th) – Brent and I will be arriving in the park in our truck in the AM. We will unload the Vaco booth and then head to the Moody Ques tent. Times will be firmed up as the day draws closer. I would expect to be at Ques booth 10AM-11AM. We will need all hands on deck to unload.
Wednesday 11th – Continue booth set up.
Sunday 15th (AM) – Take down of booth. All Hands Available, we had a good turn out last year (thank you so much to everyone who came out) and want to keep that going. This is really one of the most helpful and important things that can be done. And the more people that come out the easier and faster it is for everyone.
Again, we can’t say it enough how much we value the support from team members in the process, ya’ll’s help makes it happen!

Keep an eye on your email next week

Things are moving along quickly now. Sapana has started getting the team bags together and we should have an update shortly on when and where you can pick them up. Load-in is tomorrow morning, possibly as early as 7, when we will drop off the heavy equipment.

Team members: please keep an eye on your email next week. The load-in and build process is not something that can be scheduled down to the minute or even the hour due to factors like weather, waiting for the scaffolding to be erected, waiting for inspectors to come by, etc. I have given Travis my number (this is Paul by the way) and he will text me his needs at the park, which I will then pass on to all of you via email as timely as possible. I will be emailing from my phone most of the time, so please excuse brevity and any spelling or grammar mistakes.

Thanks everyone!